Correcting Overbites with Dr. Aaron Crossley at Crossley Orthodontics

Have you wondered what causes an overbite? Overbites, formally known as malocclusions, can develop due to a range of factors such as genetic predispositions, jaw misalignments, or skeletal irregularities. An overbite is characterized by the upper front teeth protruding over the lower front teeth. Failing to address an overbite can lead to difficulties in chewing and speaking, increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease, and discomfort in the jaw joints. 

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

For mild to moderate overbites, non-surgical orthodontic treatments like braces or clear aligners are often recommended. Braces, consisting of brackets, wires, and elastic bands, work by gradually shifting the position of the teeth and jaw to correct the overbite over time. They provide a trusted method that has successfully addressed orthodontic issues for decades.

On the other hand, clear aligners offer a discreet and convenient alternative, allowing patients to straighten their teeth with virtually invisible aligners that are removable for eating and hygiene routines.
Both options have their benefits and are effective in treating overbites, providing patients with choices to best suit their preferences and lifestyle.

Functional Appliances

In some cases, functional appliances may be utilized to correct overbites by guiding jaw growth and development. They apply gentle pressure to the upper or lower jaw, encouraging proper alignment and bite correction. Functional appliances are often used in conjunction with braces or clear aligners to achieve optimal results, particularly for patients with more severe overbites or jaw discrepancies.

Surgical Intervention

If you have been diagnosed with a severe overbite, also known as a malocclusion, one of the treatment options that may be recommended is orthognathic surgery. This surgical procedure is designed to reposition the upper and lower jaws in order to correct the misalignment and restore proper function to your bite.
Orthognathic surgery becomes necessary when other non-surgical interventions have proven ineffective in resolving the overbite. While the idea of undergoing surgery can be overwhelming, it is important to understand that this procedure can have a profound impact on both the functionality of your smile.
Aligning the upper and lower jaws correctly through orthognathic surgery, can give you long-lasting health benefits and an improved quality of life. This comprehensive approach not only addresses the functional aspects of the overbite but also enhances the overall appearance of your facial profile. If Dr. Crossley believes your case will require orthognathic surgery, our office will refer you to consult with a trusted oral and maxillofacial surgeon who can assess your specific needs and collaborate on your treatment plan.

Expert Tips for Overbite Correction:

Detecting overbites early is crucial for effective treatment. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Crossley as soon as signs are noticed. Early intervention allows for timely intervention and can prevent potential complications associated with untreated overbites.

Compliance with Treatment: Consistency is key for successful overbite correction. Follow Dr. Crossley's instructions regarding appliance wear, appointments, and oral hygiene. By adhering to your treatment plan diligently, you can maximize the results of your orthodontic treatment.

Patience and Persistence: Overbite correction requires time and dedication. Stay committed to your treatment plan, trusting in Dr. Crossley's expertise and the process. While it may take time to see significant changes, each step forward brings you closer to your desired outcome.

Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene: Proper oral hygiene is vital during treatment to prevent oral health issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. Brush and floss diligently, paying special attention to cleaning around brackets and wires. Attend regular dental check-ups to ensure your teeth and gums remain healthy throughout your orthodontic journey.

Open Communication: Don't hesitate to communicate any concerns during treatment. Open communication with Dr. Crossley and the team at Crossley Orthodontics ensures that any issues or discomfort you experience are addressed promptly. 

With the advanced techniques and personalized care provided by Dr. Aaron Crossley and the team at Crossley Orthodontics, correcting overbites is achievable for patients of all ages. Schedule a consultation with Crossley Orthodontics today and take the first step towards achieving your dream smile! 

Schedule Your Consultation at Crossley Orthodontics

Ready to get started on your orthodontic journey? If you’re looking for a board-certified orthodontist in Flower Mound, TX, or Frisco, TX, book an appointment with us today!

Dr. Crossley is conveniently located at: 12828 Eldorado Pkwy.  Suite 100 Frisco, TX 75035  • (214) 556-6868  and 651 Cross Timbers Rd. Suite 100 Flower Mound, TX 75028  • (972) 221-2515